Animal Welfare Institute Email
A caw-caw-call to action
The Context
Animal Welfare Institute’s mission is to alleviate animal suffering caused by humans. Sometimes that work is urgent and requires broad community action. In the face of proposed legislation threatening the safety of endangered species, AWI needed to tell a compelling story quickly, while convincing its audience to ask their members of Congress to block that legislation and to help spread the news.
The Work
Animal advocacy organizations are known for sensationalizing the suffering of animals to elicit a response, which can be upsetting and off-putting. I instead relied on the natural charisma of the Lesser Prairie Chicken, one of the endangered species in Congressional crosshairs. I employed an approachable and fun tone to endear these animals to the reader rather than threaten them.
Within the body copy, I offered a clear path through the legislative weeds with a strong call to action. The final version of this email offers one-click navigation to contacting Congress, and to sharing this message on various social media channels.
Email Copy
Subject Line: Lesser Prairie-Chickens are cooked
Pre-Header: Congress is set to let this bird fry
Headline: We’re shocked too! Congress has these endangered birds on the chopping block.
Body Copy:
Lesser Prairie-Chickens need your help before their future is baked in.
These birds were added to the Endangered Species list in 2022 in response to a dramatic decline in their population. But resolutions heading through Congress this week threaten their safety. Joint Resolution 9 would remove protections for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, dooming it to extinction. A similar measure, Joint Resolution 24 removes protections for the Northern Long-Eared Bat, which has been devastated by white-nose syndrome, a pandemic affecting cave bats across North America.
Lesser Prairie-Chickens don’t have representation in Congress, but you do! Don’t chicken out–call your representatives now and ask them to vote NO on these harmful measures.
[Act Now]
Remember to share this news with your community, and urge them to take action too.
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